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Cats and the law

Please note that by listing specific websites, The Cat Group is not responsible for any information or advice given or acted upon.

My neighbour's cat keeps coming into my garden and attacking my cat - what is the legal position?

Unfortunately an owner is not legally responsible for what their cat does outside. You should have a quiet word with the cat's owner and ask them to keep it inside more and to have it neutered if this has not already been done.

My neighbour's cat has 'moved in' and we have been feeding it for months - can we keep it and take it with us when we move?

If you know who the cat belongs to it would be theft to take the cat without their agreement. Many cats have several 'homes' and are equally happy to take food from you as well as from their real owner. You should speak to your neighbour and ask if they want the cat. They may be pleased to let you take it with you.

I am not a cat owner – what can I do to deter my neighbour's cats from coming into my garden?

You cannot of course do anything to harm the cat but there are a number of things which cats dislike and can be used as deterrents. These include netting or chicken wire, prickly plants and smells such as orange, citrus, oil of peppermint and eucalyptus.

Feeding cats

Cats usually regulate their food intake but obesity can occur in greedy cats, just as it does in humans! Being overweight can cause health problems for a cat and also affects its agility and energy levels. Information on the overweight cat is available through the FAB website:

The type and quantity of food required will depend on the cat's age and status – a tiny kitten, a nursing queen or a moggie of pensionable age will not need the same diet as an adventurous three year old tom cat.

Advice is readily available - from your local vet or from a number of organisations including:
The Pet Food Manufacturers' Association: 20 Bedford Street, London WC2E 9HP Website: e-mail: Tel: 020 7379 9009

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